About Us
Socio-perspective alliance is a non-profitable, social organization established in 2007.Working for the exclusive students, this organization has tried to bring positive change in the society. Within a year, this organization is successfully involved with about 20 students from three different schools located in the outskirts of the capital. The students who were once considered as poor in studies, absentees, problematic, misbehaved etc. are taken care involving their parents and teachers. The initiatives taken to improve those students resulted positively to bring them back in the mainstream of the school curriculum. They changed their attitude towards their parents and teachers improving their studies as well. Continuity to this progress will lead them to be the responsible citizen of the country.
With high hopes, the organization is trying to bridge the gap between teachers and parents to benefit the children with the feeling of pleasure and safety at home and in school for the teaching-learning process. To provide the children, the suitable environment, the organization is readily creating awareness in the family members and working with teachers as helping hand to make them understand the children. The belief for the conduction of the program is that working for exclusive students will definitely help to improve the quality of education and produce effective manpower for the progress of the society avoiding the children to run into any anti-social activities.
The organization feels the responsibility to generate understanding of parents and teachers for the right mode of approach, behavior, conduction, and dealings to the children. And the organization is very confident to produce more efficient and productive youths for development of the nation.
We are different
Unlike most of the organizations working for the relief of the suffering people, socio-perspective alliance works to upraise the society. This organization works in favour of the children advocating for their rights, creating awareness in the society for their welfare. In our view, it is more important to stop the misuse of children like child labour, abused child, street-children etc. In our observation, not only homeless orphans are gripped in these issues but school-going children living with family are also forced to run away from home or earn living for their family. They are misused by their own parents, relatives or neighbours. In many cases, it is not only due to poverty but due to lack of knowledge or mentality. Such issues are in progress for one of the reasons that the organizations working for the relief of the children are in abundance in the present time. For this reason, this organization has started the mission not only to look after the exclusive students but also enrich the teachers with experience of handling the students properly and convince their parents for the welfare of the children. As our belief, we are successful to solve the problems of children in many cases.